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Progress bar


ElementPropertyColor token
Labeltext color
Helper texttext color
Bar: activebackground
Bar: successbackground
Icon: successfill
Bar: errorbackground
Icon: errorfill
Progress bar status colors

Status colors


ElementFont-size (px/rem)Font-weightType token
Label14px / 0.875remRegular / 400
Helper text12px / 0.75remRegular / 400


Depending on the use case, progress bar can have three ways for text alignment: default, inline, and indented. The width of a progress bar can be customized appropriately for its context. The minimum width of a progress bar is 48px and keep its width to a maximum of six columns when possible.

ElementPropertypx / remSpacing token
Label (top aligned)padding-bottom8 / 0.5
Helper textpadding-top8 / 0.5
Label (left aligned)padding-right16 / 1
Structure and spacing measurements for the progress bar.

Structure and spacing measurements the progress bar | px / rem

Structure and spacing measurements for the progress bar with an icon.

Structure and spacing measurements the progress bar with an icon | px / rem


There are two sizes for the progress bar height, big and small.

SizeHeight px / rem
Big8 / 0.5
Small4 / 0.25
Progress bar sizes